NGC2017 Logo

Nano and Giga Challenges in Electronics, Photonics and Renewable Energy

Current Trends in Radiophysics

Tomsk State University Logo

Symposium and Summer School (Tutorial Lectures)

Tomsk, Russia, September 18-22, 2017 and


For information about exhibition in Russian click here

Our international and truly interdisciplinary meeting offers unique networking and business opportunities by bringing together the top scientists, talented students, engineers and business leaders. NGC/CTRP 2017 is an excellent platform for your organization to present its products and services to influential customers specializing in various aspects of electronics, photonics, renewable energy and other areas of high-technologies - education, research, technology development and public services. If your organization is looking for an effective way to connect with the nanotech research and business community to highlight its products, services, or technology, our meeting is the place to be.

In conjunction with the Summer school, symposium and three workshops there will be many opportunities for suppliers and vendors to interact with key contacts. We invite sponsors and exhibitors to participate actively in the meeting events and present their organizations at the technical sessions and social events. The close proximity of the exhibition area to the plenary and poster sessions will drive quality traffic throughout the exhibition. Our basic exhibition package includes:

  • A desk, two chairs, poster stand and the standard electric outlet. Exhibitors may bring their own poster stands (displays);
  • One complimentary registration at the conference;
  • Placement of brochure at the registration area and distribution at the conference events;
  • Permission to distribute brochures and other marketing materials at the social events;
  • Acknowledgement at the web site;

Additional exhibition options which may befit your company can be negotiated and arranged. We can build an additional customized package of benefits and services to meet your business and marketing needs, this may include your company prize/award for the best paper/poster, sponsored social events, sponsored web pages at our web site, etc.



Exhibitors shall register at the conference Registration Page and make a note at the comment box, that they plan to attend the conference as exhibitors and the mode of payment. An invoice for the exhibition fee (1000 USD) will be sent to you by email. The exhibition fee can be also incorporated can be also incorporated in the package of the sponsorship benefits. For an exhibition booth booking please contact Tatiana Kochetkova (
To download the map of the exhibition area, click here


Venue and Work Hours

The exhibition will be held in the Culture Center of Tomsk State University (Lenina ave, 36, Tomsk, 634050, Russsian Federation) The exibitors are invited to set up their booths starting from 9 am on Monday, September 18. Exhibition work hours: September 18 , 2 pm - 6 pm; September 19-21, 9 am - 6 pm; and September 22, 9 am - noon. Exhibition disassembling hours: September 22, 2 pm - 5 pm.


Photos from Previous Forums

Our Sponsors and Partners

Tomsk State University
Russian Association of Science Promotion
Nano and Giga Solutions
Arizona State University


The National University of Science and Technology
IOP Publishing
NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments


Science and Technology of the Russian Federation
Marchmont Capitals
Nanotechnology Society of Russia
Bon Apart Hotel