Presentation of the research results, learning from the experts and exchange of information and ideas are obviously the main reasons while we all attend conferences and
forums. However, many if not most of the conference participants also have "second agendas", such as search for a job or postdoctoral position, candidates for an open
position in your group, partners for your research proposal, etc., etc. Other types of networking needs may include search for a room mate to reduce costs of accommodation, partners for hiking or
weekend trips to Grand Canyon, Las Vegas or Sedona. The organizers will be glad to allocate your offers and requests at this web page. Please, send them to anatoli.korkin{at} in attached pdf files. Include your contact information inside of your proposal.
1. Electrical Engineer with 7 years experience in semiconductor process design & development
2. Skolkovo Foundation announces a new round of recruiting experts. Interested parties should contact
Nikolay Suetin
3. Molecular genetist with 25+ years of experience
4. NRL Advances - new open access journal from Springer presented at the NGC2014 conference by David Paker
5. Proposal for research internship
Happy Networking!