NGC2017 Logo

Nano and Giga Challenges in Electronics, Photonics and Renewable Energy

Current Trends in Radiophysics

Tomsk State University Logo

Symposium and Summer School (Tutorial Lectures)

Tomsk, Russia, September 18-22, 2017 and

Russian Visa

The information given below comes from several sources, and the organizer of NGC2017 can not be held responsible for its accuracy. We encourage you to verify the procedures with your local Russian consulate or with a respectable travel agency. Visa requirements vary from country to country. General information about visa policy of Russia is available on the visa policy of Russia. For the list of the countries enjoying visa free regime with Russian Federation for their citizen, please click here.

We strongly encourage our conference participants to start visa process application in advance in order to obtain visa in a timely and secure manner. Obtaining Russian visa starts from completing visa application online. As supporting documents for visa application the conference organizers will provide to the registered particpants the letters of acceptance of their abstracts for presentation and receipts for the conference fee payments. Confirmation of the hotel reservations (travel vouchers) can be obtained directly from the hotels upon room reservations.

Additional information on visa and travel in Russia are available at the following web sites:

Disclaimer: Meeting organizers are not to be held responsible for your travel arrangements and communications with the travel agencies

Our Sponsors and Partners

Tomsk State University
Russian Association of Science Promotion
Nano and Giga Solutions
Arizona State University


The National University of Science and Technology
IOP Publishing
NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments


Science and Technology of the Russian Federation
Marchmont Capitals
Nanotechnology Society of Russia
Bon Apart Hotel