Chairs: Yuri Panchul and Stanislav Shidlovsky
The workshop program (in Russian) consists of 5 days the symposium-seminar and 5 days of the school-training.
Tutorial book from the Digital Design workshop will be published in Russian. For details, click here, and to download format sample, click here.
The workshop will involve its participants in the task of building the educational infrastructure for the future of Russian microelectronics. The organizers will present the educational programs originated in Imagination Technologies (the company that designed PowerVR GPU inside Apple iPhone), Radeon Technology Group of Advanced Micro Devices, and University of California Santa Cruz Extension in Silicon Valley. The lectures will be structured to show the path from student projects and research activities to popular devices in consumer electronics, automotive and airspace industries. The participants will have an opportunity to experiment with prototyping system on chips using boards with Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) during hands-on exercises. The subtopics of the workshop will include:
For sample slides of the workshop speaker, Charles Dancak, click here
For previous nanometer scale ASIC seminars information, click here
Presenters include: