NGC2017 Logo

Nano and Giga Challenges in Electronics, Photonics and Renewable Energy

Current Trends in Radiophysics

Tomsk State University Logo

Symposium and Summer School (Tutorial Lectures)

Tomsk, Russia, September 18-22, 2017 and

Summer School

Co-chairmen: TBD

The Summer school will feature tutorial lectures by leading industrial researchers and noted university professors focusing on current scientific and technological challenges. The School is a part of the NGC/CTRP 2017 Conference and is followed by the three-days Symposium. All registered participants of the NGC2017 conference are automatically entitled to participate in the School. The school is also open to local students and is offered without any fee through the kind support and encouragement of the conference organizers and sponsors. Registration is, however, required. Please register on the School Registration Page.

School speakers:

Our Sponsors and Partners

Tomsk State University
Russian Association of Science Promotion
Nano and Giga Solutions
Arizona State University


The National University of Science and Technology
IOP Publishing
NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments


Science and Technology of the Russian Federation
Marchmont Capitals
Nanotechnology Society of Russia
Bon Apart Hotel